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Welcome to my site!

My name is Natalia. For more than 20 years I have been growing tomatoes from different countries of the world (Russia, Poland, America, Italy, etc.). 

My collection includes varieties of famous breeders of the world - Luca Fichot, Tom Wagner, Brad Gates, Ruslan Dukhov, F. Tarasenko, I. Maslov, etc. Interesting new products appear every year.

It is important for me that the tomato variety is not only beautiful and exotic, but also has increased resistance to weather changes, is disease-resistant, tasty and, of course, productive. The process of growing tomatoes and getting excellent results brings real pleasure. And I think that many will agree with me on this.

Information about varieties will be added to the site all the time. And if you haven’t seen the variety you’re interested in right now, write to me. Perhaps it is in my collection and I will let you know about it.

In addition, on my website you will find a section for recipes for various dishes using tomatoes, in which I offer recipes for preparations, sauces, and salads. I am sure that these recipes will appeal to many who love to cook.

By purchasing seeds through my website, I guarantee that the seeds are obtained from high-quality varietal tomatoes. I wish all tomato growers a good summer and big harvests!

Best regards, Natalia.

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